Sunday, March 22, 2020

Sammuri Argumentative Essay free essay sample

Whether it is through the martial arts, the peaceful arts, or their beliefs, the samurai continue to influence life to this day. The Samurai’s ethics are major in Japanese society as well as business; the idea of Bushido exists in society today as the Japanese business ethics illustrate honor and duty to Japan. To be a Samurai was a huge honor and it took an abundance of training and extensive hours of practice. Samurais had to be completely dedicated to their lifestyle; they repeated their schedule day after day: wake up in the Samurai village, meditation, hours of training, dinner, and sleep. Their routine was very rigorous however; it was compensated when they went into battle. Samurais were an elite group of warriors who were very skilled in battle and killing. Many may say that the Samurais were very violent and provocative group, however, the Samurais were always on the defensive. We will write a custom essay sample on Sammuri Argumentative Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Though the entire movie, the Samurais never picked the fight, it was always the Americans- or in any case, it was never the Samurais who were picking the fights. The Samurais’ code of honor, Bushido, was much like a knights’ code of honor, chivalry; the only difference was â€Å"seppuku†. Seppuku was the traditional suicide after a battle was lost. The leader of the losing team was to commit suicide by carving a figure 8 into his abdomen because he shouldn’t live with the shame of losing a battle. If the man could not complete the figure 8, the leader of the opposing side would cut off the loser’s head. This was all part of honor; however, many people saw it as barbaric and couldn’t understand this ritual. The Samurai were trained warriors and their job was to kill predators so any way they are viewed; they were still violent peoples so in a way it was a good thing that the tradition was discontinued. The weapons the Samurais used were swords, bow and arrows, and a spear; no fire arms. In the movie, The Last Samurai, it was said that the â€Å"sword is part of the soul†. The Japanese took this very seriously; training took up most of a warriors’ day. The samurai rose to power out of the constant fight for land in feudal Japan. They became experts at fighting from horseback and on the ground. They trained in armed and unarmed combat. They wore many layers of armor and used only the sword passed down from previous generations. As mentioned previously, the Samurai were trained warriors and their job was to kill predators so in a way it was a good thing that the tradition was discontinued. However, much like the Samurai, soldiers fighting the war today are much more aggressive than the Samurai and they are armed with much more lethal weapons than a sword. Others may view this as hypocritical that the centuries long tradition was put to an end yet we continue to fight and kill to get what we need; we aren’t even fighting to protect our people like the Samurais were, we are fighting for something that we want.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Construction Of A Geneticis Essays - Geneticist, Genetics

Construction Of A Geneticis Essays - Geneticist, Genetics Construction Of A Geneticis The Construction of a Geneticist I. A. The construction of a geneticist follows a difficult path of education, preparation, and hard work. B. Genetic Engineering C. Scope 1- accomplishments 2- job description 3- education 4- opportunities 5- future 6- (interview) - Personal insight - Attraction to job II. Background III. Accomplishments IV. Job Description & Opportunities V. Education & salary VI. Interview -Attraction, Personal Insight -Future VII. Conclusion- Why I would or wouldnt be a genetic engineer? The Construction of a Geneticist The construction of a geneticist is a person that follows a difficult path of education, preparation, and hard work. Geneticists along with all branches of Genetic Engineering have grown in numbers and importance over the last hundred years. Geneticists have accomplished things that Isaac Asimov and authors like him only dreamed about. What was science fiction then is science fact now, the cycle continues through this day. (Facklam 16) The genetic field will continue to grow until every aspect of life is perfect, but that will take quite a while. Career Opportunities in Genetics are everywhere within the biological community. They may work in colleges and universities, research institutions, medical institution, and commercial enterprises of many kinds. Every work environment is unique, and categorizes overlap-but certain general trends exist. (Career Opportunities in Genetics 9) Genetic Engineering has a long past and an even longer future, however, to enter the field a person must have a strong background in sciences and intensive training. Despite the controversy of Genetics, Courtney Sailes of the Genentech Inc. has accomplished such training. He is working in the biochemistry division and has an important impact people across the world. Gregor Mendel is known as the father of Modern Genetics, however he was not the start of the long chain of genetic engineers. (Microsoft Encarta 98) Genetic engineers can be traced back to 6000 BC when Yeast was used to make beer by Sumerians and Babylonians. Before that the domestication of animals was the most complex example of genetic engineering. Todays geneticists still work with animals and plants, however, instead of just studying them, they can create them. Geneticists also try to perfect and alter deficiencies to help solve problems in todays world. Geneticists creation of bigger fruit, vegetables and vaccinations help people live everyday. Genetic Engineering may one day eliminate horrible genetic defects. (Facklam 79) Genetic Engineering is a science that can alter the ways in which we live, but not with out social and legal problems to solve as we go along. (Facklam sleeve) The discovery of the structure of DNA resulted in an explosion of research in molecular biology and genetics, paving the way for the biotechnology revolution. Genetic engineering became a reality when a man-made gene was used to manufacture a human protein in bacteria for the first time. Biotech companies and universities were off to the races, and the world will never be the same again. (Biotechnology Timeline 1977- Present) Accomplishments done in part of genetic engineering have made the earth a better and safer place to live. Hybridization of rice and wheat has increased food output by more than 100%. (Encarta 98) Geneticist across the world are attempting to stop the spread of deadly cells strains, if there is a virus or bacteria there is a cure and a way to stop it. The vaccination of polio, the cure for leprosy, and small pox all are possible due to the minds and wills of genetic engineers. On July 25, 1979, Louise Brown became the worlds first test-tube-baby, hailed by many as a biological breakthrough and condemned by other as a way for man to control and manipulate life. (Facklam 87) The cloning of Dolly, the lamb, and other animals allows scientist to research cures for illness with little deviation in subjects. Almost all breakthroughs in the medical research field are directly related to genetic engineering. Geneticist play an important role in everything around us, they give us more than just better creations they give us a better understanding of life as we know it (C.O. in G. 14), Geneticist is just a general title given to several occupations. Each specific occupation consists of its own environment, but share many common traits. Population Biology, Population Genetics, Evolution, Evolutionary Genetics, Sociology, Molecular Biology, Molecular Genetics, Agriculture, Plant Genetics, Biochemistry, Biochemical Genetics, Cytogenetics, Cytology, Medicine,